A few weeks ago, our friend Tina reached out to Olivia and I to pray for Albert, her cousin. Albert had a massive stroke a few years ago and has recently gone downhill quickly. Olivia and I couldn’t make it that week to pray in person because of other commitments, so Connor and his mother Michelle, two leaders at God Manifest, volunteered to visit him in person. When they arrived at HCA Hospital, they found Albert unresponsive, and soon after, he was medically diagnosed as being 100% brain dead. He has been completely reliant on machines to keep his body alive since his diagnosis. Unphased, Connor and Michelle anointed the room with oil, prayed, and proclaimed scriptures over him. Our team continued to faithfully pray for him regularly.Yesterday, about four weeks after the initial prayer request, Albert suddenly woke up, squeezing his mother’s hand while crying. Today, he is able to breathe 50% on his own, and his heart is functioning normally. He is completely off of all heart medications.Albert is the second resurrection of a brain-dead person this year for God Manifest. With the first one happening in January, after we prayed over the phone and woke up two hours before being unplugged from life support.Every Holy Spirit-filled Christian is called to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons in Jesus’ name. Pray and keep on praying. Seek and keep on seeking.God is the God of miracles, and this is the year of resurrection!


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Buddhists, Mormons & Jesus is the autobiography of Jonnathan Zin Truong. He shares about his early life growing up Buddhist while enduring terrible physical, emotional, and psychological abuse at the hands of his parents. Also, he shares about his radical conversion from a suicidal, Buddhist college student to a passionate follower of Jesus Christ.