Four months after speaking at a veterans/first responders event where miracles literally erupted and a man got out of a wheelchair, a woman emailed me and stated that her husband was a completely different man since the meeting. He was suddenly always smiling, crying, and loving. She thanked me for releasing a prophetic word and a word of knowledge to him, even though he denied them.

Apparently, the man who didn’t believe God still spoke or healed, left the meeting early while the other miracles were happening, and went to his bunk. As he laid down, angry at God, his severely injured shoulder, which he had been wounded in war, popped and healed. The man wept for the first time since he was nine. He continued to weep about God’s amazing goodness the whole event. Eventually, he went home to his family and apologized to his children and wife for not being a good father and husband, and vowed to do better. Today, the family is thriving and fully restored.


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Buddhists, Mormons & Jesus is the autobiography of Jonnathan Zin Truong. He shares about his early life growing up Buddhist while enduring terrible physical, emotional, and psychological abuse at the hands of his parents. Also, he shares about his radical conversion from a suicidal, Buddhist college student to a passionate follower of Jesus Christ.