While deep in worship at The Abode Church on Thursday night, I saw a crowd of people gathered on the tarmac with their backpacks on and baggage surrounding them. On the horizon, I saw a huge passenger plane, like a 747, about to land. After the plane landed, the people who were gathered on the tarmac picked up their bags and rushed toward the plane. As the first few people made it to the plane, the Captain opened His window, smiled, and said, “All are welcome on board, but leave your baggage.”

Upon hearing the Captain’s orders, half of the crowd dropped their baggage and backpacks without hesitation and started joyfully boarding, while the other half looked at their baggage and then the plane, turned and walked away.

I believe that Christians around the world are in a kairos season, a moment in time, which will determine the next decade. We have an important decision to make. Deciding what truly matters to us. Option a) is dropping everything and being lifted higher into God’s abundance and plan, or b) embracing the comforts of our worldly possessions and living as the world lives.

As for me and my house, we chose to drop our bags.


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Buddhists, Mormons & Jesus is the autobiography of Jonnathan Zin Truong. He shares about his early life growing up Buddhist while enduring terrible physical, emotional, and psychological abuse at the hands of his parents. Also, he shares about his radical conversion from a suicidal, Buddhist college student to a passionate follower of Jesus Christ.